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Extension Master Gardener℠ Volunteers

Since 1979, North Carolina Extension Master Gardener℠ Volunteers (EMGVs) have been leaders in this internationally acclaimed program, guiding homeowners in making environmentally sound decisions in their landscapes. Trained by North Carolina State University faculty and staff, EMGVs provide research-based information about gardening and environmental stewardship to individuals and communities across the state. EMGVs engage the community through education and outreach on a wide variety of subjects and through a broad spectrum of projects, all designed to maximize their impact.

Cover photo for July 2022 Issue of Alamance Gardener

July 2022 Issue of Alamance Gardener

We take on the scourge of spurge and other summer garden nightmares in this month’s Alamance Gardener Alamance Gardener JUL …

Cover photo for Alamance Gardener - June 2022

Alamance Gardener - June 2022

Alamance Gardener JUN 2022 Read about this bell ringer and other June gardening issues in this month’s Alamance …

Cover photo for May 2022 Alamance Gardener

May 2022 Alamance Gardener

The Bee did it!!! Read about our native pollinators and some of their quirky (and possibly annoying) lifestyle habits …

Cover photo for Alamance Gardener April 2022

Alamance Gardener April 2022

Vegetable garden rotation -it’s all in the family! Read more in this month’s edition Alamance Gardener APR 2022 – final …

Cover photo for Alamance Gardener February 2022

Alamance Gardener February 2022

It’s fruit tree pruning time, but why? Read about it in this month’s issue of Alamance Gardener, then find …

Cover photo for Alamance Gardener January 2022

Alamance Gardener January 2022

Be fruitful in 2022 – Think Green! Read all about upcoming horticulture classes on Thursdays and some Saturdays Alamance Gardener …

Cover photo for Alamance Gardener December 2021

Alamance Gardener December 2021

What makes your favorite Christmas tree so special? Read all about it in this month’s Alamance Gardener! Alamance Gardener December …

Cover photo for Alamance Gardener November 2021

Alamance Gardener November 2021

It’s a colorful time of year – read about nature’s most beautiful mulch in this month’s Alamance Gardener! Alamance Gardener …

Cover photo for Alamance Gardener August 2021

Alamance Gardener August 2021

If your lawn isn’t living up to your expectations, this month’s Alamance Gardener can help you achieve your dream. Alamance …